User PII Cleanup
The user deletion requirement in inQuiry has been originated from the below requirement.
PRD: [PRD] Delete Account functionality
BE Design Lern - [Design] Delete Account Functionality
FE Design Lern - [Design] [Front-end]Delete User Functionality
What is changing?
The user can request for deletion of their account in Sunbird, this means two primary actions to happen.
User's Personal Identifiable Information (PII) needs to be removed
The assets (like questions, questionSets, content etc) that was created by this user needs to be transferred to an identified user.
Changes for Learn:
Learn BB provided user delete api which produces a kafka event on <env>.delete.user topic.
For more details on the delete user api, please visit
Changes for inQuiry:
PII data cleanup feature released under inQuiry 7.0.0 release.
inQuiry provided a flink job user-pii-data-updater for user PII data cleanup activity.
The flink job listen to <env>.delete.user kafka topic and process the data accordingly.
The job works for all object type (including Question, QuestionSet, Content, Collection, Assets) which are configured to the job.
The flink job will search for all the objects (configured with flink job) owned by deleted user and update the pii field configured under object schema(e.g: creator) to the pre-configured value (e.g: Deleted User / Anonymous user) with the flink job.
PII field configuration is part of each object schema (config.json) because there could be different pii field for each object.
Sample PII Config is as below:
"PII_Fields": { "user": { "createdBy": ["creator"] }, "org": { } }
The job triggers a notification email to the org admin with all identifiers affected for Deleted user.
Release Tags:
schema tag: release-7.0.0_RC4 Note: the job should be re-imported using script
A new kafka topic <env>.delete.user has to be created for user-pii-data-updater flink job
InQuiryFlink Job
A New Flink Job user-pii-data-updater is added. Config File Reference For Above Job:
Variables Added to user-pii-data-updater flink job for PII Cleanup Use case:
Input Kafka Topic Name
{{ env_name }}.delete.user
Group Name For The Flink Job
{{ env_name }}-user-pii-updater-group
Target Object Type and Schema Version should be configured as value . e.g: If you want to process 5 different objects for deleted user, then all 5 object types should be part of this configuration along with corresponding schema versions.
'{ "Question": ["1.0", "1.1"], "QuestionSet": ["1.0", "1.1"] }'
The value which need to be inserted for target pii fields.
"Deleted User"
This falg is used to enable/disable email notification for admin
Base Url of userorg service for sending notification
Subject Line for Email Notification
"User Account Deletion Notification"
Value For Regards in Email Notification
Code And Configuration Changes:
If you are interested in adopting this feature by making code changes in your forked repository of sunbird, then please checkout below code and configuration changes: Code Changes: For user-pii-data-updater flink job code, please checkout the link below:
Below changes need to be done for creating kafka topic needed by user-pii-data-updater-job: ansible/roles/inquiry-setup-kafka/defaults/main.yml
If the above topic already exists, you can skip this change.
Configuration Changes: Add below configuration in kubernetes/helm_charts/datapipeline_jobs/values.j2 file:
For Variables used in below configuration, please refer to Variables Section Above.
Add below configuration in kubernetes/ansible/roles/flink-jobs-deploy/defaults/main.yml file:
Last updated
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