200: OK QuestionSet update hierarchy operation was successfuly executed. 400: Bad Request The 'Update Hierarchy QuestionSet' operation failed ! The possible reason for failure is that you may have missed providing input for a mandatory parameter. 404: Not Found QuestionSet Update Hierarchy operation failed !The possible reason for failure is that you may have provided wrong questionset id. 500: Internal Server Error Looks like something went wrong! These errors are tracked automatically
Copy {
"id" : "api.questionset.hierarchy.update" ,
"ver" : "3.0" ,
"ts" : "2021-02-03T13:06:12ZZ" ,
"params" : {
"resmsgid" : "221f9cdb-c220-4d3f-a579-4e7b82facf89" ,
"msgid" : null ,
"err" : null ,
"status" : "successful" ,
"errmsg" : null
} ,
"responseCode" : "OK" ,
"result" : {
"identifier" : "do_113208431570984960123" ,
"identifiers" : {
"section-1" : "do_113208433229889536126" ,
"question-1" : "do_113208433229873152124"
Copy {
"id" : "api.questionset.hierarchy.update" ,
"ver" : "3.0" ,
"ts" : "2021-02-03T13:11:14ZZ" ,
"params" : {
"resmsgid" : "04e218fc-76bc-4fd3-b98d-5ed947a30b8b" ,
"msgid" : null ,
"status" : "failed" ,
"errmsg" : "Question cannot have children in hierarchy"
} ,
"responseCode" : "CLIENT_ERROR" ,
"result" : {
"messages" : null
Copy {
"id" : "api.questionset.hierarchy.update" ,
"ver" : "3.0" ,
"ts" : "2021-02-03T13:27:12ZZ" ,
"params" : {
"resmsgid" : "0fbe77de-a612-4406-bcd2-a63de5b29b6d" ,
"msgid" : null ,
"err" : "NOT_FOUND" ,
"status" : "failed" ,
"errmsg" : "Error! Node(s) doesn't Exists. | [Invalid Node Id.]: do_1132084315709849601231"
} ,
"responseCode" : "RESOURCE_NOT_FOUND" ,
"result" : {
"messages" : null
Copy {
"result" : {} ,
"id" : "string" ,
"ver" : "string" ,
"ts" : "string" ,
"params" : {
"resmsgid" : "string" ,
"msgid" : "string" ,
"err" : "string" ,
"status" : "string" ,
"errmsg" : "string"
} ,
"responseCode" : "string"
Copy {
"request" : {
"data" : {
"nodesModified" : {
"do_213683948732522496129" : {
"root" : true ,
"objectType" : "QuestionSet" ,
"metadata" : {
"appIcon" : "https://sunbirddevbbpublic.blob.core.windows.net/sunbird-content-staging/content/assets/do_2136839488184156161188/istockphoto-184276818-612x612.jpg" ,
"name" : "QuestionSet-Draft5" ,
"description" : "test" ,
"instructions" : {
"default" : "<p>test</p>"
} ,
"primaryCategory" : "Practice Question Set" ,
"additionalCategories" : [
] ,
"board" : "CBSE" ,
"medium" : [
] ,
"gradeLevel" : [
"Class 4"
] ,
"subject" : [
] ,
"audience" : [
] ,
"showTimer" : "No" ,
"requiresSubmit" : "No" ,
"author" : "N11" ,
"copyright" : "NIT123" ,
"license" : "CC BY 4.0" ,
"attributions" : [
] ,
"maxScore" : 1
} ,
"isNew" : false
} ,
"do_213683949640613888132" : {
"root" : false ,
"objectType" : "QuestionSet" ,
"metadata" : {
"name" : "Section-101" ,
"description" : "test" ,
"shuffle" : true ,
"showFeedback" : "Yes" ,
"showSolutions" : "Yes" ,
"primaryCategory" : "Practice Question Set" ,
"attributions" : [
} ,
"isNew" : false
} ,
"hierarchy" : {
"do_213683948732522496129" : {
"name" : "QuestionSet-Draft5" ,
"children" : [
] ,
"root" : true
} ,
"do_213683949640613888132" : {
"name" : "Section-101" ,
"children" : [
] ,
"root" : false
} ,
"do_21368395028149862413" : {
"name" : "sub" ,
"children" : [
] ,
"root" : false
} ,
"lastUpdatedBy" : "5a587cc1-e018-4859-a0a8-e842650b9d64"
Copy curl --location -g --request PATCH '{{host}}/questionset/v1/hierarchy/update' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer {{api_key}}' \
--data-raw '{
"request": {
"data": {
"nodesModified": {
"{questionSet-id}}": {
"metadata": {
"code": "updated_code_of_root"
"root": true,
"isNew": false
"section-1": {
"metadata": {
"code": "section-1",
"name": "Section-1",
"description": "Section-1",
"mimeType": "application/vnd.sunbird.questionset",
"primaryCategory": "Practice Question Set"
"root": false,
"isNew": true
"question-1": {
"metadata": {
"code": "question-1",
"name": "Question-1",
"description": "Question-1",
"mimeType": "application/vnd.sunbird.question",
"visibility": "Parent",
"primaryCategory": "Multiple Choice Question"
"root": false,
"isNew": true
"hierarchy": {
"{{questionSet-id}}": {
"children": [
"root": true
"section-1": {
"children": [
"root": false
The following request is for updating the existing question set. Here, a new question (MCQ) is added to one of the sections of the question set.
Copy {
"request" : {
"data" : {
"nodesModified" : {
"75da35b2-3359-4f7c-82e3-7d40d13acd96" : {
"metadata" : {
"mimeType" : "application/vnd.sunbird.question" ,
"media" : [
] ,
"editorState" : {
"options" : [
"answer" : true ,
"value" : {
"body" : "<p>Yellow</p>" ,
"value" : 0
} ,
"answer" : false ,
"value" : {
"body" : "<p>Red</p>" ,
"value" : 1
} ,
"answer" : false ,
"value" : {
"body" : "<p>Orange</p>" ,
"value" : 2
] ,
"question" : "<p>What is the color of lemon?</p>"
} ,
"templateId" : "mcq-vertical" ,
"answer" : "0" ,
"maxScore" : 1 ,
"name" : "1" ,
"responseDeclaration" : {
"response1" : {
"maxScore" : 1 ,
"cardinality" : "single" ,
"type" : "integer" ,
"correctResponse" : {
"value" : "0" ,
"outcomes" : {
"SCORE" : 1
} ,
"mapping" : [
} ,
"interactionTypes" : [
] ,
"interactions" : {
"response1" : {
"type" : "choice" ,
"options" : [
"label" : "<p>Yellow</p>" ,
"value" : 0
} ,
"label" : "<p>Red</p>" ,
"value" : 1
} ,
"label" : "<p>Orange</p>" ,
"value" : 2
} ,
"validation" : {
"required" : "Yes"
} ,
"qType" : "MCQ" ,
"primaryCategory" : "Multiple Choice Question" ,
"body" : "<div class='question-body' tabindex='-1'><div class='mcq-title' tabindex='0'><p>What is the color of lemon?</p></div><div data-choice-interaction='response1' class='mcq-vertical'></div></div>" ,
"solutions" : [
] ,
"createdBy" : "5a587cc1-e018-4859-a0a8-e842650b9d64" ,
"board" : "CBSE" ,
"medium" : [
] ,
"gradeLevel" : [
"Class 4"
] ,
"subject" : [
] ,
"author" : "N11" ,
"channel" : "01309282781705830427" ,
"framework" : "inquiry_k-12" ,
"copyright" : "NIT123" ,
"audience" : [
] ,
"license" : "CC BY 4.0"
} ,
"objectType" : "Question" ,
"root" : false ,
"isNew" : true
} ,
"hierarchy" : {
"do_213703055622299648111" : {
"name" : "Test QuestionSet" ,
"children" : [
] ,
"root" : true
} ,
"do_213703056367386624112" : {
"name" : "Section 1" ,
"children" : [
] ,
"root" : false