Server Installation

  • The Service can be installed through automation scripts over the server.

  • The automation scripts require Ansible as a prerequisite. For server installation components also requires helm as a prerequisite to run the component on Kubernetes.

🏷️ Prerequisite


  • 1 VM with 4 core CPU, 16 GB RAM, 60 GB HDD - for all Databases

  • 1 VM with 4 core CPU, 16 GB RAM, 60 GB HDD - for all services.

  • 1 Storage Account (e.g: Microsoft Azure or Amazon S3)


  1. Jenkins

  2. Neo4j

  3. Cassandra

  4. Redis

  5. Kafka

  6. Elasticsearch

  7. Kubernetes

  8. Logstash

  9. Flink

🏷️ Service Configuration

  • For Service Configuration, Please visit below links:

🏷️ Service Build Script

  • In order to build the service using Jenkins, The file having name JenkinsFile present in below link is used.

🏷️ Service Deployment

  • In order to deploy the service with Kubernetes cluster, JenkinsFile present in below link is used.

  • For helm chart config where cpu, memory, port of the service, etc can be configured. Please use below link:

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